
3 min readApr 25, 2022

What is ChatPuppy?

ChatPuppy is a super secured NFT-based wallet-to-wallet instant messaging Dapp for web3.


Super privacy protection & decentralized

1- Gateways of messaging are fully decentralized, each message is crypted, mixed, and throught random gateways all over the world. Supported by xxnetwork.

2- Quantum-secured encrypt algorithm make your messages super safe.

3- No servers, AI, companies or goverments can see, inercept, save, anylize, modify your messages.

Wallet-to-wallet instant messaging & interact with smart contracts

1- No need register or login by email, phone number or any of your identity. No need download any APPs, just chat on website or in Dapp by metamask/walletconnet etc.

2- Supporting Group chat and private messaging.

3- No any messages are saved on blockchains, no gas fee, fully peer-to-peer instant messaging.

4- Sending or recieving messages over different blockchains.


1- All of your avatar, username, themes are your own digital NFT onchain assets.

2- All NFTs can be upgraded and tradable on marketplace or opensea.

3- Integrating 3rd-part NFTs. Ex. use CryptoPunk as avatar or artwork NFTs as themes.

4- Everyone can use, but NFT holders have advanced functionalities. Ex. minting own NFT avatar from your photos.


1- Put chatpuppy URI on any web or blog, click and start chating or join chat room.

2- Integrate any Defi, GameFi, SocialFi Dapps, let the users chat each other freely and safely.

ChatPuppy system

As a privacy-protected messaging Dapp for Web3, is a public messenger dapp for anyone to communicate freely and safely, it is super-secure, unshutdownable, completely decentralized, and your personal information is fully protected. You don’t want to install Apps on your phone or computer, just open browser and speak up freely!


ChatPuppyNFT is engine of ChatPuppy system. Holders can use this NFTs in your Ethereum wallet as avatars in ChatPuppyNFT is super cool. Holders can show your special identity or trade them in the official marketplace by CPT token or in Opensea/Looksrare by ETH.

Collection on Opensea:

ChatPuppyNFTs are mint on Ethereum and NFT address is: 0xf81ea6f30c06d3cf037b33334fe31ade682e6574

ChatPuppy NFTs can also be moved from Ethereum to BSC by portalbridge through Wormhole Protocol, and trade on BSC by CPT with very low cost.


ChatPuppyDAO is the governance system of the ChatPuppy community. Members hold ChatPuppy Token(CPT), vote by CPT, work together, and develop ChatPuppyDAO.

ChatPuppyDAO are run on Binance Smart Chain(BSC), voted on snapshot

CPT BEP20 address: 0xa747Ba9BbF79E165Cd71c4376B72eBc06CA735CB


Chain & Protocol

Binance Smart Chain(BSC), BEP20

BEP20 Address



50,000,000,000 CPTs(ChatPuppy Tokens)


Allocation of ChatPuppy Token


1- 20% tokens will be released on genesis block (June.10, 2022)

2- 80% tokens will be released EVERY DAY in one year (From June.10,2022 to June.10,2023)

3- REDEEM is available for community and public round phase and get back BNB for the vesting amount in 48 hours, no any approvement from admin.


1- All CPT holders vote on snapshot.

2- Candidates will be elected to be committee members if he got more than 2/3 of available tokens. The committee is elected every one year.

3- ETH/BNBs raised from communities and public round are locked in the smart contract and is approved to use this fund by more than 1/2 of total available tokes or 2/3 of committee members’ tokens.

4- CPT in reserve and revoked pool will be locked in the smart contract, and is approved to use by more than 1/2 of available tokens or 2/3 of committee members’ tokens.

5- Any token holders can issue proposals. Proposals will be executed after it is approved by more than 1/2 of available tokens or 2/3 of committee members’ tokens.

6- Available tokens is released CPT. Vesting CPT can not vote.

